Shine With Our New Collection

Find your piece for everything

Bikini or Swimsuit?

To indoor swimwear

Natürlich & Nachhaltig

More about us

We are a B-Corp

We are now certified as a B Corp and very proud of it. B Corps stand for a fair, inclusive and regenerative economy. The B stands for ‘Benefit for all’. As part of our certification, we have signed the ‘Declaration of Interdependence’. We are all interdependent and responsible for each other as well as for future generations.

To the B-Corp interview

Transparent supply chain

Social engagement

Sustainable materials

Climate friendly

Video über die 4 Wege Schnürung der INASKA Bademode

Strong support for every body

No annoying knots or fasteners. The 4-way back allows you to vary the straps and ensures a good fit.

To Multiway tops


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Shake your Orangenhaut

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