We are proud: we are B-Corp certified. Find out what this means for our sustainable company in our interview with Bella.
INASKA is now part of the B Corp community. Certified B Corps are part of a global movement that is committed to changing the global economic system. As part of the non-profit B Corp organization, we stand for an inclusive, just and regenerative economy that benefits all people, communities and the planet. Our Sustainability Manager Bella explains what this is all about.
What is a B Corp?
B Corporations, or B Corps for short, are companies that meet high standards in terms of social and environmental performance, responsible action and transparency. B stands for: Benefit for all. A demanding certification that assesses the social and environmental impact of brands. We answered over 300 questions on topics such as corporate governance, employees, community and environmental impact. The non-profit network B Lab launched the certification in 2006 with the vision of an inclusive, fair and regenerative economy.
What constitutes a B-Corp?

All B Corps sign the “Declaration of Interdependence” as part of their certification. This is about understanding that we are all interdependent and responsible for each other as well as for future generations. It is about running a business in a way that our planet and the people on it play an important role.
With our products, practices and profits, we strive to benefit all and do no harm. A B Corp certificate is a certificate with high environmental and social standards. B Corps are legally committed to creating added value not only for their shareholders, but for all stakeholders: Employees, customers, their community and the environment.
Why is this important to us?
Our goal at INASKA is to lead the way and help restructure the fashion industry. We will only succeed if many companies move in the direction of new economic forms and values. We see certification as a commitment to companies that are particularly concerned with their responsibility for the environment and society.
For us, it goes without saying that all our production processes are ecologically compatible and more sustainable than conventional fashion products. This certification reinforces our ongoing commitment to sustainable production conditions, materials and environmental factors. At the same time, we take responsibility for the impact we have on humanity and the planet. And we can see where we can work further. INASKA's vision for change is to create an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economic system.
What does this mean for our customers?
The certificate gives our customers the assurance that we at INASKA deliver what we promise. To obtain B-Corp certification, companies undergo an impact assessment. Among other things, a company's impact on employees, customers, the environment and the region is assessed. Each answer must also be supported by company documentation. This process took us over eight months. The B-Corp certificate is only awarded to companies that achieve more than 80 points. We currently have 97.9. Click here for our B Impact Report. Anyone who receives a B Corp certificate at the end of the impact assessment undertakes to continue working on the company's direction and sets itself targets to improve certain areas. In addition, the certification process must be repeated every three years. For our customers, this means that they support economic system change with their INASKA products and the movement to use companies as a “force for good”. Our customers have been able to fully trace our supply chain for two years now. Now we are becoming even more transparent.
How many companies have a B-Corp certification?
A total of 7,212 companies in 93 different countries from various sectors have the certification. When you consider that there are around 3.5 million companies in Germany alone, it becomes clear how few there are in comparison. Together, we will not stop until all companies are a force for good.